Welcome to videogames

If you're reading this then you must be very bored. I can rectify this problem with video games but much like food, shelter, water and hookers, games cost money too. I am here to help you decide on what you might want to spend that hard earned cash on. Unlike my friend who has an affinity for multiplayer games I prefer the solace of single player where I am able to listen to my own dark thoughts as I carelessly commit several war crimes for my own entertainment.

On a more serious note I will not be scoring games, giving an arbitrary number has no value to anybody else except for myself and since these reviews aren't for me I would be wasting both our times. Instead my dear reader I will be looking at game play, mechanics, and most importantly in any single player game, the story and characters. May you enjoy these reviews and hopefully I will be able to relieve you of your boredom. In case you were curious about more multiplayer games go visit my friends blog at https://xpilots-cockpit.blogspot.co.uk/.
