Review - Just Cause 3

Have you ever thought to yourself "I would love nothing more then to murder people and fly around just for the shits and giggles of it". Well thy dear voice in my head you can. Just Cause 3 follows Rico Rodriguez as he returns to his homeland to overthrow a dictator, because as his opening credits states he is a dictator removal specialist. JC3 is the opposite to Spec Ops, the game play is way more entertaining than the story and rather then making you (the player) question your morals you can commit as many war crimes as you want as long as you do it with style and a smile on your face.

The story is quite lackluster and pretty much hits all the points of Good vs. Evil but a sneaking suspicion tells me that the developers did that on purpose. The story does has some nice moments such as when you get to ride a GODDAMN MISSILE! But other than that its your typical good guy vs. bad guy, sort of like America Vs. ISIS but unlike that fight the game only takes about 20 hours to beat the story rather then a few years. Rico himself is what you would expect from a mass murdering sociopath; he's nice, caring, a family man and despises all things DiRavello (the dictator). I hate to admit it but the character development is not fantastic either, we have a little growth from Rico but the reality is most of the characters are pretty static. I would say that a majority of players don't play this game for the interesting character development but rather for the mindless and extremely entertaining homicidal behaviors you're allowed to take part in. Plus as a player you're not pushed to think about your morals or the ethical dilemmas of making a rocket powered goat.

I will be the first to admit, if I am in a bad mood this game is fantastic for a little stress relief. Nothing helps a bad day better then stringing up a person behind a jet and dragging them behind you as you soar through the sky. One of my more entertaining murder fetish's is using the strongest sniper, standing on the top of the tallest building and sniping drivers out of their car. Thanks to the mechanics of the game if the driver dies the car swerves out of control and explodes into a wall. You can fill up a lot of orphanages this way. I could go on and on about how you can unleash your inner jihad or hijack a plane that's on a moving train and then blow up said train with said plane but its much more exhilarating if you do these things yourself. The game gets much more interesting with the "level" system. You must partake in challenges set across the map to gain gears. These gears then allow you to upgrade your equipment from more grapples to ROCKETS ATTACHED TO YOUR GODDAMN EXPLOSIVES! You're probably telling yourself "I'm a good person I would never do something so terrible as to strap someone to a car with rocket explosives and watch as the car shoots off and explodes killing loads of civilians". That's okay we both know you're lying to yourself, you just go and murder those people and I promise to keep it our little secret you beautiful and crazy psychopath.

JC3 does have 3 DLC that each cost 10 USD. The DLC packs are Air, Sea, and Land. If you enjoy the game and really want to give more money to the developers then buy all three or simply by the game with the season pass but if you're thinking "I'm in school, I can hardly afford a 10 dollar DLC". My first recommendation would be to end your subscription to Pornhub but hey, we all got needs. My second recommendation would be to just buy the Air DLC because you get a bad ass jet pack that makes the game infinitely more engaging.

Now it would not be much of a review if I did not touch on a few of the negative aspects of the game. As I said before the story is pretty cliche with no big character arks but that's not the biggest grievance. To continue through the story you have to liberate bases and towns for the rebels. To do this you have to destroy specifically marked items. The issue that comes is that its very repetitive. Go here, blow shit up, win. Personally it was not a big problem because I couldn't get enough murder and destruction but to someone more sane I can see how it might bore.

I would recommend getting the game on a sale. I say this as although it really is loads of fun even my dark passenger gets tired of constantly abusing and committing what can only be called as the genocide of the island. Seriously, I have killed so many people that the US government tells people that if they go the US is not responsible for any damage that comes to them while traveling. My final thoughts are to get the game if you enjoy mindless violence with good game play but if you're looking for an in depth story where characters have massive revelations I wouldn't buy it and use that money for better uses, like a porn subscription.
